Welcome to week two of our "Back to School Series". Today we are talking with Dorothy Bewernick from Great West Radon. Watch as we discuss the basics around Radon
1. What is Radon?
2. How do we test?
3. How do we mitigate?
For more information, please feel free to reach out to me or Dorothy at:
Great West Radon
☎️ (403) 991-6776
📧 info@greatwestradon.com
🌐 www.greatwestradon.com
Roddrick Hofrichter
☎️ (403) 404-3165
📧 roddrick.hofrichter@c21.ca
🌐 http://roddrick-hofrichter.c21.ca/
Health Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-risks-safety/radiation/radon.html
Evic Randon: https://evictradon.org/